Welcome to BLOKIST

BLOKIST is a portable rapid prototyping tool for developers and non-developers. How? By keeping things visual & clickable from the start.
- share prototypes & simulations
- embeddable businesslogic (iframe)
- dynamic JSON configuration & statemachines
- app development (phonegap)
- dashboards (widescreen / BI / BigData)
- education
Getting started
Eventhough BLOKIST should run fine using touch, an keyboard & mouse is adviced for serious work. Basically the workflow is:
1. open the graph-view

2. add nodes (right-click mouse or double-tap)

3. connect by click+drag connectors

NOTE: there are 2 types of connectors, (JS) events & simple values.
4. write javascript (for advanced users)
Extend or create nodes programmatically using javascript:

4. share or embed!
Press the < > icon in the topbar.
The best way to start is looking at examples (click book-icon in the topbar, next to the cpu-meters)
JS Reference
Here you can find documentation concerning nodes, javascript function etc. Every existing function can be extended like so:
Global objects:
variable | type | description |
graph |
LGraph | the graph instance with 'alive' nodes |
graph.framedelay |
LGraph | usually unset, but setting it to 1000 will limit graph-mainloop to 1 fps. Useful to save cpu. |
graphcanvas |
LGraphCanvas | renders a graph to a html canvas |
graphcanvas.canvas |
attached html canvas | |
viewport |
domelement | a dom object which can be used for fullpage purposes (equals document.querySelector('#viewport') ) |
_ |
object | contains utility functions like _.wrap (tip: add your own) |
Node events
Event | |
onAdded | |
onRemoved | |
onExecute | |
onAction | |
onConnectInput | |
onConnectionsChange | |
onOutputDblClick | |
onOutputClick | |
onInputDblClick | |
onInputClick | |
onDblClick | |
onMouseDown | |
onMouseEnter | |
onMouseMove | |
onDropFile | |
onDropData | |
onDropItem | |
onSelected | |
onDeselected | |
onDrawForeground | |
onDrawCollapsed | |
onDrawBackground | |
onGetInputs | |
onGetOutputs | |
onStart | |
onStop |
Each node can be extended using javascript, just create a script node and copy/paste this into the editor:
// note: this runs every frame
this.var = this.getInputDataByName("var", !this.var)
this.setOutputData("var", this.var * 2 )
this.onLoad = () => {
// this runs before nodes are added to the graph (pageload etc)
window.padstring = require('https://unpkg.com/padstring@1.0.0/padString.js')
this.onInit = () => {
// this runs once a node is added to the graph
// custom io instead of default inputs/outputs (rightclick node to enable)
this.onEvent = (action,args) => {
// called when 'in2' or 'in' input is triggered
this.trigger(false,{action,args}) // forward data to all (=false) outputs
return this.onEvent // optional: return promise for async support
The above demonstrates:
- custom inputs & outputs
- outputting data (
) - using an npm module (`require')
- importing all the standard nodes (`stdnodes')
NOTE 1: In case you want to modify global node-behaviour see the Global modifications section.
NOTE 2: This would overwrite functions for certain nodes, in such case wrapping is better:
_.wrap(node, 'onMouseDown', function(onMouseDown){
// do stuff before
// do stuff after
Global modifications
In case eventlisteners are too limited, here's how you monkeypatch the whole editor / engine:
// extend graph-function
_.wrap( graph, 'createNode', (createNode, type, title, opts) => {
// do stuff before
createNode(type, title, opts)
// do stuff later
Same goes for nodes:
// inspect node functions
var nodes = LiteGraph.registered_node_types
// extend node prototype function
_.wrap( nodes["graphics/image"].prototype, 'collapse', (collapse) => {
alert("don't collapse this one!")
// collapse()
NOTE: the wrapping-technique above will affect all newly created nodes. To modify the behaviour of already created nodes, Node events section above
- Q: how can i debug connections
F: use the 'watch' or 'console' nodes (doubleclick on console-node)
Q: how can i debug scripts
- F: add the console-node, doubleclick it, and use
in your scripts
Contributing / Bugs
- audio/source: LGAudioSource
- audio/media_source: LGAudioMediaSource
- audio/analyser: LGAudioAnalyser
- audio/gain: LGAudioGain
- audio/convolver: LGAudioConvolver
- audio/waveShaper: LGAudioWaveShaper
- audio/mixer: LGAudioMixer
- audio/adsr: LGAudioADSR
- audio/delay: LGAudioDelay
- audio/biquadfilter: LGAudioBiquadFilter
- audio/oscillator: LGAudioOscillatorNode
- audio/visualization: LGAudioVisualization
- audio/signal: LGAudioBandSignal
- audio/script: LGAudioScript
- audio/destination: LGAudioDestination
- basic/time: Time
- graph/subgraph: Subgraph
- graph/input: GraphInput
- graph/output: GraphOutput
- basic/const: ConstantNumber
- basic/string: ConstantString
- basic/data: ConstantData
- basic/object_property: ObjectProperty
- basic/watch: Watch
- basic/cast: Cast
- basic/console: Console
- basic/alert: Alert
- basic/script: NodeScript
- events/log: LogEvent
- events/sequencer: Sequencer
- events/filter: FilterEvent
- events/counter: EventCounter
- events/delay: DelayEvent
- events/timer: TimerEvent
- fx/lens: LGraphFXLens
- fx/DOF: LGraphDepthOfField
- fx/bokeh: LGraphFXBokeh
- fx/generic: LGraphFXGeneric
- fx/vigneting: LGraphFXVigneting
- texture/texture: LGraphTexture
- texture/preview: LGraphTexturePreview
- texture/save: LGraphTextureSave
- texture/operation: LGraphTextureOperation
- texture/shader: LGraphTextureShader
- texture/warp: LGraphTextureWarp
- texture/copy: LGraphTextureCopy
- texture/average: LGraphTextureAverage
- texture/temporal_smooth: LGraphTextureTemporalSmooth
- texture/linear_avg_smooth: LGraphTextureLinearAvgSmooth
- texture/LUT: LGraphTextureLUT
- texture/color: LGraphTextureColor
- texture/gradient: LGraphTextureGradient
- texture/mix: LGraphTextureMix
- texture/edges: LGraphTextureEdges
- texture/blur: LGraphTextureBlur
- texture/glow: LGraphTextureGlow
- texture/xDoG: LGraphTextureXDoGFilter
- texture/webcam: LGraphTextureWebcam
- texture/lensfx: LGraphLensFX
- texture/exposition: LGraphExposition
- texture/tonemapping: LGraphToneMapping
- texture/perlin: LGraphTexturePerlin
- texture/canvas2D: LGraphTextureCanvas2D
- texture/matte: LGraphTextureMatte
- texture/cubemap: LGraphCubemap
- graphics/plot: GraphicsPlot
- graphics/image: GraphicsImage
- color/palette: ColorPalette
- graphics/frame: ImageFrame
- graphics/imagefade: ImageFade
- graphics/cropImage: ImageCrop
- graphics/canvas: CanvasNode
- graphics/drawImage: DrawImageNode
- graphics/drawRectangle: DrawRectangleNode
- graphics/video: ImageVideo
- graphics/webcam: ImageWebcam
- input/gamepad: GamepadInput
- widget/button: WidgetButton
- widget/toggle: WidgetToggle
- widget/number: WidgetNumber
- widget/knob: WidgetKnob
- widget/internal_slider: WidgetSliderGUI
- widget/hslider: WidgetHSlider
- widget/progress: WidgetProgress
- widget/text: WidgetText
- widget/panel: WidgetPanel
- logic/selector: Selector
- logic/sequence: Sequence
- math/converter: Converter
- math/bypass: Bypass
- math/to_number: ToNumber
- math/range: MathRange
- math/rand: MathRand
- math/noise: MathNoise
- math/spikes: MathSpikes
- math/clamp: MathClamp
- math/lerp: MathLerp
- math/abs: MathAbs
- math/floor: MathFloor
- math/frac: MathFrac
- math/smoothstep: MathSmoothStep
- math/scale: MathScale
- math/average: MathAverageFilter
- math/tendTo: MathTendTo
- math/operation: MathOperation
- math/compare: MathCompare
- math/condition: MathCondition
- math/accumulate: MathAccumulate
- math/trigonometry: MathTrigonometry
- math/formula: MathFormula
- math3d/vec2-to-xyz: Math3DVec2ToXYZ
- math3d/xy-to-vec2: Math3DXYToVec2
- math3d/vec3-to-xyz: Math3DVec3ToXYZ
- math3d/xyz-to-vec3: Math3DXYZToVec3
- math3d/vec4-to-xyzw: Math3DVec4ToXYZW
- math3d/xyzw-to-vec4: Math3DXYZWToVec4
- math3d/quaternion: Math3DQuaternion
- math3d/rotation: Math3DRotation
- math3d/rotate_vec3: Math3DRotateVec3
- math3d/mult-quat: Math3DMultQuat
- math3d/quat-slerp: Math3DQuatSlerp
- math3d/vec2-to-xyz: Math3DVec2ToXYZ
- math3d/xy-to-vec2: Math3DXYToVec2
- math3d/vec3-to-xyz: Math3DVec3ToXYZ
- math3d/xyz-to-vec3: Math3DXYZToVec3
- math3d/vec4-to-xyzw: Math3DVec4ToXYZW
- math3d/xyzw-to-vec4: Math3DXYZWToVec4
- math3d/vec3-scale: Math3DVec3Scale
- math3d/vec3-length: Math3DVec3Length
- math3d/vec3-normalize: Math3DVec3Normalize
- math3d/vec3-lerp: Math3DVec3Lerp
- math3d/vec3-dot: Math3DVec3Dot
- math3d/quaternion: Math3DQuaternion
- math3d/rotation: Math3DRotation
- math3d/rotate_vec3: Math3DRotateVec3
- math3d/mult-quat: Math3DMultQuat
- math3d/quat-slerp: Math3DQuatSlerp
- midi/input: LGMIDIIn
- midi/output: LGMIDIOut
- midi/show: LGMIDIShow
- midi/filter: LGMIDIFilter
- midi/event: LGMIDIEvent
- midi/cc: LGMIDICC
- midi/generator: LGMIDIGenerator
- midi/transpose: LGMIDITranspose
- midi/quantize: LGMIDIQuantize
- midi/play: LGMIDIPlay
- midi/keys: LGMIDIKeys
- network/websocket: LGWebSocket
- network/sillyclient: LGSillyClient
The Global Scope. It contains all the registered node classes.
LiteGraph = new LiteGraph()
Register a node class so it can be listed when the user wants to create a new one
param | type | description |
type | String | name of the node and path |
base_class | Class | class containing the structure of a node |
Create a new nodetype by passing a function, it wraps it with a proper class and generates inputs according to the parameters of the function. Useful to wrap simple methods that do not require properties, and that only process some input to generate an output.
param | type | description |
name | String | node name with namespace (p.e.: 'math/sum') |
func | Function | |
param_types | Array | [optional] an array containing the type of every parameter, otherwise parameters will accept any type |
return_type | String | [optional] string with the return type, otherwise it will be generic |
properties | Object | [optional] properties to be configurable |
Adds this method to all nodetypes, existing and to be created (You can add it to LGraphNode.prototype but then existing node types wont have it)
param | type | description |
func | Function |
Create a node of a given type with a name. The node is not attached to any graph yet.
param | type | description |
type | String | full name of the node class. p.e. "math/sin" |
name | String | a name to distinguish from other nodes |
options | Object | to set options |
Returns a registered node type with a given name
param | type | description |
type | String | full name of the node class. p.e. "math/sin" |
returns Class: the node class
Returns a list of node types matching one category
param | type | description |
category | String | category name |
returns Array: array with all the node classes
Returns a list with all the node type categories
param | type | description |
returns Array: array with all the names of the categories
LGraph is the class that contain a full graph. We instantiate one and add nodes to it, and then we can run the execution loop.
graph = new LGraph()
Removes all nodes from this graph
Attach Canvas to this graph
param | type | description |
graph_canvas | GraphCanvas |
Detach Canvas from this graph
param | type | description |
graph_canvas | GraphCanvas |
Starts running this graph every interval milliseconds.
param | type | description |
interval | number | amount of milliseconds between executions, if 0 then it renders to the monitor refresh rate |
Stops the execution loop of the graph
Run N steps (cycles) of the graph
param | type | description |
num | number | number of steps to run, default is 1 |
Updates the graph execution order according to relevance of the nodes (nodes with only outputs have more relevance than nodes with only inputs.
Returns all the nodes that could affect this one (ancestors) by crawling all the inputs recursively. It doesn't include the node itself
param | type | description |
returns Array: an array with all the LGraphNodes that affect this node, in order of execution
Positions every node in a more readable manner
Returns the amount of time the graph has been running in milliseconds
param | type | description |
returns number: number of milliseconds the graph has been running
Returns the amount of time accumulated using the fixedtime_lapse var. This is used in context where the time increments should be constant
param | type | description |
returns number: number of milliseconds the graph has been running
Returns the amount of time it took to compute the latest iteration. Take into account that this number could be not correct if the nodes are using graphical actions
param | type | description |
returns number: number of milliseconds it took the last cycle
Sends an event to all the nodes, useful to trigger stuff
param | type | description |
eventname | String | the name of the event (function to be called) |
params | Array | parameters in array format |
Adds a new node instance to this graph
param | type | description |
node | LGraphNode | the instance of the node |
Removes a node from the graph
param | type | description |
node | LGraphNode | the instance of the node |
Returns a node by its id.
param | type | description |
id | Number |
Returns a list of nodes that matches a class
param | type | description |
classObject | Class | the class itself (not an string) |
returns Array: a list with all the nodes of this type
Returns a list of nodes that matches a type
param | type | description |
type | String | the name of the node type |
returns Array: a list with all the nodes of this type
Returns the first node that matches a name in its title
param | type | description |
name | String | the name of the node to search |
returns Node: the node or null
Returns a list of nodes that matches a name
param | type | description |
name | String | the name of the node to search |
returns Array: a list with all the nodes with this name
Returns the top-most node in this position of the canvas
param | type | description |
x | number | the x coordinate in canvas space |
y | number | the y coordinate in canvas space |
nodes_list | Array | a list with all the nodes to search from, by default is all the nodes in the graph |
returns LGraphNode: the node at this position or null
Returns the top-most group in that position
param | type | description |
x | number | the x coordinate in canvas space |
y | number | the y coordinate in canvas space |
returns LGraphGroup: the group or null
Checks that the node type matches the node type registered, used when replacing a nodetype by a newer version during execution this replaces the ones using the old version with the new version
Tell this graph it has a global graph input of this type
param | type | description |
name | String | |
type | String | |
value | undefined | [optional] |
Assign a data to the global graph input
param | type | description |
name | String | |
data | undefined |
Returns the current value of a global graph input
param | type | description |
name | String |
returns undefined: the data
Changes the name of a global graph input
param | type | description |
old_name | String | |
new_name | String |
Changes the type of a global graph input
param | type | description |
name | String | |
type | String |
Removes a global graph input
param | type | description |
name | String | |
type | String |
Creates a global graph output
param | type | description |
name | String | |
type | String | |
value | undefined |
Assign a data to the global output
param | type | description |
name | String | |
value | String |
Returns the current value of a global graph output
param | type | description |
name | String |
returns undefined: the data
Renames a global graph output
param | type | description |
old_name | String | |
new_name | String |
Changes the type of a global graph output
param | type | description |
name | String | |
type | String |
Removes a global graph output
param | type | description |
name | String |
returns if the graph is in live mode
clears the triggered slot animation in all links (stop visual animation)
Destroys a link
param | type | description |
link_id | Number |
Creates a Object containing all the info about this graph, it can be serialized
param | type | description |
returns Object: value of the node
Configure a graph from a JSON string
param | type | description |
str | String | configure a graph from a JSON string |
returns | Boolean | if there was any error parsing |
Base Class for all the node type classes
param | type | description |
name | String | a name for the node |
configure a node from an object containing the serialized info
serialize the content
serialize and stringify
get the title string
sets the value of a property
param | type | description |
name | String | |
value | undefined |
sets the output data
param | type | description |
slot | number | |
data | undefined |
sets the output data type, useful when you want to be able to overwrite the data type
param | type | description |
slot | number | |
datatype | String |
Retrieves the input data (data traveling through the connection) from one slot
param | type | description |
slot | number | |
force_update | boolean | if set to true it will force the connected node of this slot to output data into this link |
returns undefined: data or if it is not connected returns undefined
Retrieves the input data type (in case this supports multiple input types)
param | type | description |
slot | number |
returns String: datatype in string format
Retrieves the input data from one slot using its name instead of slot number
param | type | description |
slot_name | String | |
force_update | boolean | if set to true it will force the connected node of this slot to output data into this link |
returns undefined: data or if it is not connected returns null
tells you if there is a connection in one input slot
param | type | description |
slot | number |
returns boolean:
tells you info about an input connection (which node, type, etc)
param | type | description |
slot | number |
returns Object: object or null { link: id, name: string, type: string or 0 }
returns the node connected in the input slot
param | type | description |
slot | number |
returns LGraphNode: node or null
returns the value of an input with this name, otherwise checks if there is a property with that name
param | type | description |
name | string |
returns undefined: value
tells you the last output data that went in that slot
param | type | description |
slot | number |
returns Object: object or null
tells you info about an output connection (which node, type, etc)
param | type | description |
slot | number |
returns Object: object or null { name: string, type: string, links: [ ids of links in number ] }
tells you if there is a connection in one output slot
param | type | description |
slot | number |
returns boolean:
tells you if there is any connection in the output slots
param | type | description |
returns boolean:
retrieves all the nodes connected to this output slot
param | type | description |
slot | number |
returns array:
Triggers an event in this node, this will trigger any output with the same name
param | type | description |
event | String | name ( "on_play", ... ) if action is equivalent to false then the event is send to all |
param | undefined |
Triggers an slot event in this node
param | type | description |
slot | Number | the index of the output slot |
param | undefined | |
link_id | Number | [optional] in case you want to trigger and specific output link in a slot |
clears the trigger slot animation
param | type | description |
slot | Number | the index of the output slot |
link_id | Number | [optional] in case you want to trigger and specific output link in a slot |
add a new property to this node
param | type | description |
name | string | |
default_value | undefined | |
type | string | string defining the output type ("vec3","number",...) |
extra_info | Object | this can be used to have special properties of the property (like values, etc) |
add a new output slot to use in this node
param | type | description |
name | string | |
type | string | string defining the output type ("vec3","number",...) |
extra_info | Object | this can be used to have special properties of an output (label, special color, position, etc) |
add a new output slot to use in this node
param | type | description |
array | Array | of triplets like [[name,type,extra_info],[...]] |
remove an existing output slot
param | type | description |
slot | number |
add a new input slot to use in this node
param | type | description |
name | string | |
type | string | string defining the input type ("vec3","number",...), it its a generic one use 0 |
extra_info | Object | this can be used to have special properties of an input (label, color, position, etc) |
add several new input slots in this node
param | type | description |
array | Array | of triplets like [[name,type,extra_info],[...]] |
remove an existing input slot
param | type | description |
slot | number |
add an special connection to this node (used for special kinds of graphs)
param | type | description |
name | string | |
type | string | string defining the input type ("vec3","number",...) |
pos | undefined | position of the connection inside the node |
direction | string | if is input or output |
computes the size of a node according to its inputs and output slots
param | type | description |
minHeight | number |
returns number: the total size
Allows to pass
param | type | description |
returns Object: the created widget
returns the bounding of the object, used for rendering purposes bounding is: [topleft_cornerx, topleft_cornery, width, height]
param | type | description |
returns Float32Array: the total size
checks if a point is inside the shape of a node
param | type | description |
x | number | |
y | number |
returns boolean:
checks if a point is inside a node slot, and returns info about which slot
param | type | description |
x | number | |
y | number |
returns Object: if found the object contains { input|output: slot object, slot: number, link_pos: [x,y] }
returns the input slot with a given name (used for dynamic slots), -1 if not found
param | type | description |
name | string | the name of the slot |
returns number: the slot (-1 if not found)
returns the output slot with a given name (used for dynamic slots), -1 if not found
param | type | description |
name | string | the name of the slot |
returns number: the slot (-1 if not found)
connect this node output to the input of another node
param | type | description |
slot | number_or_string | (could be the number of the slot or the string with the name of the slot) |
node | LGraphNode | the target node |
target_slot | number_or_string | the input slot of the target node (could be the number of the slot or the string with the name of the slot, or -1 to connect a trigger) |
returns Object: the link_info is created, otherwise null
disconnect one output to an specific node
param | type | description |
slot | number_or_string | (could be the number of the slot or the string with the name of the slot) |
target_node | LGraphNode | the target node to which this slot is connected [Optional, if not target_node is specified all nodes will be disconnected] |
returns boolean: if it was disconnected successfully
disconnect one input
param | type | description |
slot | number_or_string | (could be the number of the slot or the string with the name of the slot) |
returns boolean: if it was disconnected successfully
returns the center of a connection point in canvas coords
param | type | description |
is_input | boolean | true if if a input slot, false if it is an output |
slot | number_or_string | (could be the number of the slot or the string with the name of the slot) |
out | vec2 | [optional] a place to store the output, to free garbage |
returns undefined: the position
Collapse the node to make it smaller on the canvas
Forces the node to do not move or realign on Z
This class is in charge of rendering one graph inside a canvas. And provides all the interaction required. Valid callbacks are: onNodeSelected, onNodeDeselected, onShowNodePanel, onNodeDblClicked
myLGraphCanvas = new LGraphCanvas()
clears all the data inside
assigns a graph, you can reassign graphs to the same canvas
param | type | description |
graph | LGraph |
opens a graph contained inside a node in the current graph
param | type | description |
graph | LGraph |
closes a subgraph contained inside a node
param | type | description |
assigns | LGraph | a graph |
returns the visualy active graph (in case there are more in the stack)
param | type | description |
returns LGraph: the active graph
assigns a canvas
param | type | description |
assigns | Canvas | a canvas (also accepts the ID of the element (not a selector) |
binds mouse, keyboard, touch and drag events to the canvas
unbinds mouse events from the canvas
this function allows to render the canvas using WebGL instead of Canvas2D this is useful if you plant to render 3D objects inside your nodes, it uses litegl.js for webgl and canvas2DtoWebGL to emulate the Canvas2D calls in webGL
marks as dirty the canvas, this way it will be rendered again
param | type | description |
fgcanvas | bool | if the foreground canvas is dirty (the one containing the nodes) |
bgcanvas | bool | if the background canvas is dirty (the one containing the wires) |
Used to attach the canvas in a popup
param | type | description |
returns window: returns the window where the canvas is attached (the DOM root node)
starts rendering the content of the canvas when needed
stops rendering the content of the canvas (to save resources)
Called when a mouse move event has to be processed
Called when a mouse up event has to be processed
Called when a mouse wheel event has to be processed
returns true if a position (in graph space) is on top of a node little corner box
returns true if a position (in graph space) is on top of a node input slot
process a key event
process a item drop event on top the canvas
selects a given node (or adds it to the current selection)
selects several nodes (or adds them to the current selection)
removes a node from the current selection
removes all nodes from the current selection
deletes all nodes in the current selection from the graph
centers the camera on a given node
adds some useful properties to a mouse event, like the position in graph coordinates
changes the zoom level of the graph (default is 1), you can pass also a place used to pivot the zoom
converts a coordinate from graph coordinates to canvas2D coordinates
converts a coordinate from Canvas2D coordinates to graph space
brings a node to front (above all other nodes)
sends a node to the back (below all other nodes)
checks which nodes are visible (inside the camera area)
renders the whole canvas content, by rendering in two separated canvas, one containing the background grid and the connections, and one containing the nodes)
draws the front canvas (the one containing all the nodes)
draws some useful stats in the corner of the canvas
draws the back canvas (the one containing the background and the connections)
draws the given node inside the canvas
draws the shape of the given node in the canvas
draws every connection visible in the canvas OPTIMIZE THIS: pre-catch connections position instead of recomputing them every time
draws a link between two points
param | type | description |
a | vec2 | start pos |
b | vec2 | end pos |
link | Object | the link object with all the link info |
skip_border | boolean | ignore the shadow of the link |
flow | boolean | show flow animation (for events) |
color | string | the color for the link |
start_dir | number | the direction enum |
end_dir | number | the direction enum |
num_sublines | number | number of sublines (useful to represent vec3 or rgb) |
draws the widgets stored inside a node
process an event on widgets
draws every group area in the background
resizes the canvas to a given size, if no size is passed, then it tries to fill the parentNode
switches to live mode (node shapes are not rendered, only the content) this feature was designed when graphs where meant to create user interfaces
ContextMenu from LiteGUI
myContextMenu = new ContextMenu()